Huckabee Sanders Glows with Privilege sitting next to Prince Charles



By Dr. Fred Potato
Radio Free Ozarks Editor
January 12th, 2022

The presumed Republican nominee for Arkansas governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, had an awkward moment during a fundraising luncheon with the Benton County League of Republican Women Voters when her qualifications for holding the governorship were circumlocutorily called into question. The event, held last week at the Liberty Buffet near Little Flock, was advertised as a “Meet the Candidates” fundraising event, with Sanders listed on the group’s web site as the sole, featured guest.

The faux pas happened, per a cell phone video recording of the event that was later emailed to Radio Free Ozarks and authenticated by one of the attendees, when the now-former member presented extended introductory remarks reflecting on the career of incumbent Governor Asa Hutchinson. As the speaker was listing Hutchinson’s lengthy resume prior to becoming governor, including his time as a US District Attorney, his two terms in the US House of Representatives, and his work in the Executive Branch under the George W. Bush administration, Sanders, waiting to approach the lectern, was described as growing more and more agitated as each career stop was mentioned.

As the speaker was noting Hutchinson’s work as Undersecretary in the Department of Homeland Security, Sanders stepped in and grabbed the microphone from the lectern and forcefully stated (per the recording of the incident): “My path to the governorship derives by divine right of the almighty God, unquestioned since the time of James VI of Scotland. I will be your next governor of Arkansas because it is God’s plan. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. First Timothy, Second Chapter, Verse Three. Look it up.

“I sat with Prince Charles at our UK state visit and [garbled] is beyond question,” Sanders emphatically declared, her voice possessing an odd booming, reverberant quality that drowned out all other sounds in the room, perhaps the effect was caused by a malfunction of the video recording app. “As the daughter of the greatest governor in Arkansas’ history, a disciple and warrior for the one true faith, I will not have my standing called to question by the likes of mortal man,” Sanders bellowed, as a golden glow appeared around her head, possibly due to an errant video filter, “I will be divinely honored to be your governor, and from the Ozarks to the Delta all of you shall be divinely blessed to have me fulfill God’s plan. By the grace of God, so it shall be.”

The video recording obtained by Radio Free Ozarks then shows Sanders looking down at the floor for several seconds and seemingly regaining strength, at which point the recording ends. Per one of the League members in attendance, the speaker who Sanders interrupted was directed to leave the restaurant during this pause in the proceedings. The luncheon then continued normally with Sanders presenting her regular campaign talking points of school choice, economic development, guns for all, and an elimination of income taxes, before leading the League in a closing prayer.

Radio Free Ozarks was denied permission to share the video recording of the event.